Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Everything has been pretty chill in the D-pils hood. I haven't been up to much. I've translated a couple more testamonies for the website, but Valery hasn't had time to post them. For those who might not know, the website I am speaking of it is the Website for the Drug Rehab Organization that I am gonna internship for (Lord willing). I've been very slowly translating for their website. They want to have a decent website in English, and then when I get a decent amount done in English they have some volunteers who will translate it from the English to Finnish and Swedish. Translating, especially stuff that is so colloquial as testimonies, is scary. But at leats I am doing somehting that might progress the kingdom, and it has the added bonus of helping my Russian.
Yesterday was Vitalik's b-day. So he was way happy all day. Since Monday both he and Vitalik have been going to school and university. That means that in the mornings it is only Me, Babushka and sometimes Mama if she worked the night shift. It doesn't matter much because with my jet lag my sleep cycle is Craycray. But if someday I start sleeping and waking up like a normal person, I want to start skyping home in the mornings a bit. It has been nice to occasionally use the Bible online when nobody is home so I can start Breaking Free. :)
Today is Russian Orthodox Christmas so Vera didn't go to school :) we both slept in til 12..... grrrr. our alarm was set for 9.
Back to yesterday. It was the Catholic holiday in which the 3 wisemen visit baby Jesus. So we went to church at noon, me Mama and Veronika(she came back from school just in time) Babushka went too, but she went earlier than we did. Mama had talked to the preist and so the service was also for Ivan, Vera and Vitalik's older brother who died when he was 20. After the Service we went to Ivan's grave as usual and lit candles and prayed. OIUr Aunt wen twith us this time. Then we came home, and shortly thereafter Vitalik came home. as I said he was crazy happy and playful. Mama made fried chicken and potatoes for us and we had non-alcoholic champagne. IT was quite delicious. Then Vitalik made me and him hot cocoa and we ate chocolate together. Mama and Vera needed the computer and Vitalik really wanted to play his game so he asked if he could use my computer and put his game on it and hook it up to the internet and play it, I said he could. By the way, Vitalik goes to a computer votech right now instead of a normal high school. He hooked my computer up and tried forever to get the game to work but it wouldn't..... what a shame. but now when Vera needs to to homework on the computer and I or Vitalik want on the computer, we hook my computer u to the internet and set my computer on a stool and sit sideways on the couch, and Vera can do her homework on the computer without internet. That is actually what I am doing right now. :) For dinner last night mama made "pizza."

Oh, and yes mom, my family here does get their nose poked.I poke Vitalik, Vera, and Babushka's noses pretty frequently, and of course dully thank them. Babushka gets a pick kick out of it and reciprocates. The last time I tried to poke Vitalik's nose we poked mine first and asked me what it meant. I told him it didn't mean anything I just think it is funny and he laughed at me. Babushka told my aunt that I poke her nose. Babushka was laughing pretty hard when she told my aunt and then babushka poked my nose and told me thank you. :) she is so cute. I love her!! She is laughing more often, and yetserday she told Vitalik he is a good boy, which is pretty rare. I guess it was his birthday....


  1. mmmmmmmmmmmm i love these updates! i'm glad you are having such a great time and not fainting anymore! :) *mwah*

  2. "the D-pils hood" bahahahahaha

  3. Thanks for the update!!!! Yea for Birthdays

  4. that is a really cute entry! i love the part about nose poking! love you!

  5. You can poke your friends, and you can poke your nose, but you can't poke your friend's nose.

