Yesterday I learned that I can faint. I always though myself incapable of fainting. I have experienced great amounts of paint and also low blood pressure and also some head injuries, but I've always been here. But yesterday, nyahuh. IT was actually quite simple too. It reminded me a great deal of a mini-adventure Christina and Nicole had a few years ago. So, yesterday was Saturday and thus banya day. For those of you who may not have been with me on my last adventure to Latvia, the banya is like a sauna and we have a little built in one in the house and we heat it up once a week. We go in there and wash up using soap and bucket and what not. Well this time Veronichka and I banyaed together. It was decently hot this time, and I stayed in there a decent amount of time. Anywho, when I got out I felt a little light-headed and my eyesight got a little blotchy. This didn't seem too strange to me. I remembered that last time I was in Latvia I occasionally got light headed after the banya and I would lay down and rest for a while.... well, I wasn't dressed when I noticed that i was light headed. and I didn't wanna expend the energy to dress when I was feeling so dang awful so I wrapped myself up in my towel, sat on the toilet lid for a while but things got worse to I started yelling "Mne zharka!" (I am hot) thogh no one answered me and put my head between my legs..... this is the last thing I remember. (Veronika had thought that I was talking to Babushka about the heating of the house.. or something. IT was strange that when I was in the banya I felt perfectly fine and only after felt crap so the thought that I was talking about post-banya duress didn't occur to her). So Veronika unassumingly leaves the banya to see sitting on the toilet lid and when she closes the door to the banya I "WHABAM" slam my face against the door, fall to the ground and am out cold. This was all very frightening to her and she freezes, not being to do much of anything out of fright and yells for Mama.Mama come and sees naked me sprawled strangely on the floor with some dirty clothes I had knocked over on my legs. She yells for Vera to get some cold water and pats it on my face while holding me up to a sitting position. This is when I come back into the picture. I become partially conscious to mama saying my name and putting cold water on my face. I, of course, am confused as to why she is in the bathroom in the first place, and extra confused as to why she is saying my name sent she is obviously holding me and knows I am here so I say "ja zdesj" ( I am here." This seems to calm Vera a bit and Mama basically points out that since I am responding Vera need not worry. After a while of being awkwardly held up like a mannequin on the dirty bathroom floor I become confused as to why there are clothes on me, how my legs got all the way over there, I remember I haven't put on my deodorant yet I think it very important to do so, and realise I need to pee. I here Vitalik coming and I flip out because of my awkward position and become keenly aware that the door is open. The girls shoo him away but babushka runs in, which I can live with. Mama is holding me up and all I wanna to in the whole world it lie my head on the doorpost but every time I try mama thinks I am going dead weight again and hold me upright. They are supposing what happened, it I am sick or if the black or white pills I am taking for my Latvian allergy may have caused this. I of course know I was just in the banya to long but tell them I will tell them what happened if they only let me lay down my head first (only instead of "galava" (sp?) I said "rod" in my state of confusion). So Vera asks if I wanna lie on the divan which sounds like an even better idea so I think "I want to go to there" and vera zips me up in an itty-bitty robe of hers and the all but carry me to our room. I tell them what happened and all is well. I feel better and what not and only have a few minor red spots on my face and a few sore joints. it is kinda funny because as far as my face is concerned I fell on my cheek bone, and just left of my left eye and the tip of my nose... I think the tip of my nose hurts the most, which sucks when I absent mindedly poke it as I so often do.
In other News today we went to church ( the catholic church that my family goes to) and I was quite disgusted with the grandiosity of the decor. I know it is such a minor think but I was so distracted from the Lord be seeing all the paintings and lights and candles. I was filled with disdain about such a small thing, so I kept my eyes closed most of the service to keep at least a bit focused. Today he read the beginning of John. IT was good to here, and since i have it nearly memorized I don't think too much was lost on me. We also sang Gloria En Excelsis Deo. which I love so much. After Church Vera drove me to town and I bought a brush, a much needed razor, and we got Vitalik's b-day present (his b-day is on Tuesday). We also went on a search for the old testament or the whole bible. When we finally found one it was in russian and not in church Slavonic though printed by the orthodox church which was awesome. Only... when I took it home I realized it wasn't the whole old testament, but just the first five books, the Books of Moses. Blin! Well, I am getting closer and closer to a complete Bible!!!! We also got our favorite Pringles, which are not to be found anywhere in the US much to my disdain!
Then when we got home we are bortsch, pig, and potatoes, and then Papa and Mama walked by. It was negative 14 degrees celsius and, it later warmed up to -7, and Papa wanted to skate on the lake. SO Mama and I went to watch. MAN IT WAS GORGEOUS today!!!!!! Papa hadn't gone skating in 20 years, and he's been smoking those 20 years. BUT HE WAS WAY GOOD. HE grew up near a bunch of lakes so I guess it makes sense. Yeppp..... I am picking back up Mere Christianity. I love it and hopefully I will stick with it this time. I have a bad habit of getting distracted. Anywho. I better skadoottle. I love you all!!! (Oh, I haven't been missing home to much because I dream every night that I am in America. The only think I can't seem to dream about it Tybalt... so I do miss him...A couple days ago I woke up and thought I was in Edmond In Cher's bed with her and was quite confused as to why her phone's alarm was a Russian song, and then remembers that she had my Russian song on her phone and she used it when she really wanted to wake up.. then I remembered we have new phones... then I remembered I was in Latvia.....) ok. that's all for now. I am impressed if you read it all.
*Vitalik wanted me to make it clear to you all that he didn't see anything. And I know he didn't. It was only for the sake of telling the story from my delirious point of veiw that I mentioned it. i thought he had at the time
Jordan Deah Moonspice Rice,
ReplyDeleteI know you and your sister are "knockouts" but you don't have to be so literal.