Disko was fun last night. We looked cute and we danced a long time :D We went with Inga and her boyfriend showed up and his friend and his woman. And then a random guy at the disko came and introduced himself to the fellas and danced in our little circle (when we go at a group we typically dance in a circular pattern, but with variation i.e. couples pairign up or the ladies cluming together etc.). so yes. He was a frickin' soldier ( not in the literal since...). I figured he was lookin' for a woman and since we were in a group with guys he could infiltrate our group casually and it was clear two of us were manless for the evening and so he could slowly make a move on whoever seemed less guarded. that is how I saw it.... Ah, my strange, probably unhealthy view of the dating scene. Veronika later told me he had his eye on me all night... I dunno maybe. Anyways. would approach our group like 40 times or more. When slow dancing occured Oleg, Inga's boyfriend, grabbed Veronika and starting dancing with her like th efunny goof he is and guy-who-told-me-his-name-but-I-did-not-hear-it (GWTMHNBIDNHI for shortish) swooped in and asked me to dance. I said no, but the soldier that he is he stood there and asked like 4 times until I said yes. So we danced for like maybe 20 seconds and the song stopped. He said something in a dissapointing tone and stayed by me in the circle for a while and then left telling be bye and touching my stomach as he left. everytime he came back he stood by me in the circle, usually between me and Veronika, which was a good strategic move because like 60% of the time I was dancing I had eyecontact with her... partially to avoid my eyes absent mindedly falling on him and giving him hope. When Veronika and I sat down she asked me abotu him and said he'd been lookign at me all night and she seemed geniunely dissapointed that I hadn't noticed. about thay time he came and sait by us but I told her that it wasn't like he could hear our convo anyways so we continued. To be honest I was in this strange defensive mode out of habit. I am used to creepers tryign to dance with me. This guy seemed normal, but hey this is protocol. plus it was my last night in D-pils. We went out to have fun together, not to dance with boys we'd never see again in our lives. anyways she forgot his name too. He sat by me for quite soem time, but I never made eycontact withthe poor guy and after like 3 hours of tactfully pursuing me he gave up... right when I was about to give in too, so it is a good thing for me he gave up. anither thing is my Russian sucks, and it was crazy loud so add that in the equation and there was no chance a conversation was going anywhere. poor GWTMHNBIDNHI... he never had a chance, and through no fault of his own at that.
Oh, before we got to the club, we drank a bottle of this AMAZING homemade liquor mom makes and it was so Russiany. 3 lovely ladies on a frozen park bench in the middle of soviet style apartment everything covered in snow dirnking homemade liqour in some plastic cups we'd bought as a grocery store before we went clubbin. :) That was all the alchohol I had that night and just went fro watter from there on out, so yeah Jesus for moderation!
Anyways, I;ve got like.... 6 hours in 30 minutes in Latvia... so I better strt packin'. I'll see you playas on the flip side.
Hey it should be the flip side . . .. . where are you???????
ReplyDeletePraying for your homecoming to your beloved Russia momma