I dunno how long this note is gonna be and expect plentiful typos because I don't plan on editting. sorry I haven't been posting. But ont he up side I have talked to my mommy almost every day this week and my papi pretty darn frequently too... I suppose I just considered that my outside world communication time and called it a day. yesterday I went to my old school and saw alot of my old teachers and the director (like the principal, who was also my Russian teacher when I was there). And I met Annlise there. Annlise was in Latvia when I was under the same program as me at theh same school, only she stayed all year instead of only half like me. She is french Belgium, and has made it back to Latvia 3 or 4 times since she studied there (DANG EUROPEANS!!!! it sucks that they can all go back for like 60 dollars, where as is costs me 1200.... or more). At the school they introduced us to the German student studying there now. and after about 2 or more hours at the school (probably more close to 3) I asked if he wanted to walk around with us an dhe said yes. So the 3 of us went to city center cafe and Annlise and I shared a Margerita pizza, and we each got the hot chocolate and water. He invited his belgium friend who is also studying here. HE was may amazed that we spoke so well, and his russian seemed really rudimentary.... although the fact that he thought I was good at Russian is a dead give-away that he may not now just how badly I am speaking. I had told Veronika that I would eat Kebabs with her and she called me just as we got the Pizza and asked if I still wanted to.. OF COURSE. so she met us at the cafe and I said goodbye to the kiddos and Veronika and I walked to Kebabs and ate more deliciousness. yum...
Today Veronika and I am Mama woke up early and went to gather supplies primarily for Veronika's departure for Riga, and a few things for my departure too. I had gotten my picture taken, but the picture was glossy and I needed matted pictures.... grrr. why are th eRussian authorities such sticklers??? does it really matter I ask? We also got me 1000 RUBLES. haha I am a thousandaire.... ah yes... It will be weird getting used to Rubles. I am already so used to Lats, it will suck to have to make another shift.
I have been reading World War Z like a fiend. Man I love it. Man I love zombie stuff. *sigh of bliss* A few nights in which I couldn't sleep I snuck out of the bedroom with my book and read alone in the Kitchen as the only person on that half of the house and the only one awake. I know I should stop when I think I hear things outside.... I try to stop around then, but it doesn't always happen. I but what sucks is that I think when I read stuff in English is screws with my Russian. Yeah, after this and Alcoholic Empire (which I think I am gonna read little by little) I think I am gonna have to really cut back on readign any Englishg except for like th eBible and other nessecities.
So, I go to Russia tommorrow. WHOA. I am not ready to write that sentence. nope. Not ready at all. Like every 2-5 minutes that I am with Baushka she says "and you leave tomorrow." And I chide her and tell her she doesn't need to say that. It sucks that I am leaving. It sucks alot. But it is so amazign I am going to Russia. So inconcievably wonderful.
haha. if it makes you guys feel better I can tell you that I blog more frequently than I bucket... ah hygeine, how irrelevant you are to me... how I hope I don't keep this up in Russia. The good news is they are gonna banya before I leave tomorrow so I will be as close to squeeky clean as I can get under these circumstances. and I washed today, so I'll be double clean.
Tonight Veronika and I are going to the disko. yea! Be in prayer. Gettign anxious. Oh, they are going to pick me up at the train station! hooray!! I am supposed to go to a "social" church associated with the rehab on sunday at 1800. I am kinda nervous. what if I have an off day and my Russian sucks and they evaluate me by that? I knw that God's got it, but the thoughts kee coming. I am also concerned a bit because it gets dark early and I won't knwo the city at all and feel shady abotu walking around alone at night. But it is a church, so maybe they'll walk me home... or I dunno, God's got it. SO many creeping anxieties... so many thought to refute or resort to repressing.. I'm gonna go read the Bible. peace playas.
"ah hygeine, how irrelevant you are to me..."