I haven’t written in a long time and I really don’t feel like playing this serious a game of catch up. The title of this post is something I said long ago but I don’t thing I ever typed to you all. The metro gets crazy crowded during rush hour (go figure). And everyone lining up at the doors near Petrogradskaya make a decent mosh pit as I like to call it. You all get slammed up against each other and have little say in which direction you would like to go, so if you want to get into that door, and I mean really want it you need to either push or brace yourself against the crowd trying to reach that same goal. IT is delightful. I always feel sorry of the very young and the very old who are in the crowd and I hate being slammed against them because then I feel I must try to protect them from the surge and must for the most part give up my selfish goal of getting in the metro asap. I usually go to rehab during rush hour.
Today (Monday) there was no school because yesterday was women’s day. That would be exciting except I don’t have class on Monday and the place I wanted to go was closed for women’s day. But for women’s day I got Apple soap from Nonna and Elena, a candy bar from Nicolai, a magnetic bookmark from Lubov (I forgot her ochestva), and a dolphin-shaped banana-scented soap from Sergey. I think I made out pretty well, although I didn’t get any flowers, which is kinda surprising because everyone and there dog had flowers all week. I did give flowers though to Nonna and Elena. Good times.
Let’s see. Thursday I sang in Big church with Sergey (just so everyone knows this is the guy in the pics and he will be called seryozha, sergey, and/or seryoga). There were like 60 people there and we sang in microphones and stuff. I sang the solo of “My Jesus, My Savior” in English and then Seryozha and I sang it together in Russian and he played guitar throughout. Everyone seemed to really enjoy it and on Friday Seryozha told me that they want me to sing more and that everyone loved me… and that no one complemented him. Aw, poor guy. I told him that the next time I sing in English he has to too. He tried to talk his way out of if but I told him I am a good teacher. Then he asked which song and I said whichever he wanted and he said “Ti omoy Menya” (which is one of my favorites EVER) and I said there is no English translation for it and he said I better translate it. …So I did. I gave it to him on Sunday and we practiced it today. I told him we better sing it on Sunday and he said “Maybe” in English.
Friday day I really don’t remember what I did… hmm… oh, I had Russian class and then Paige and I hung out and I used the internet a lot and began a preliminary job search, then Paige and I ate at Nyamburg which is a yummy and pretty cheap café near Chkalovskaya. :) OH, today when I went for a walk I found a Chinese play on Chakolovskaya! I pass it everyday but the sign is really high up and I guess I never saw it. I am sure I’ll go some time soon. …Friday… Then I went to rehab and we worked and hung out and I went home. Then on Saturday I slept in and then Met up with Paige and we trekked over to the Okkervil River. IT is way close to where she lives and exactly between where she lives and the metro I go to for church. so we headed that way from her metro. The sun was out and it was a beautiful day. Then we went shopping… but more like window shopping except going in. Then we ate at McDonalds and couldn’t find a seat for like 8 minutes so a worker came over and asked if we needed a seat and when we said yes she walked over to some girls and asked if we could sit with them and we did… It was awkward. I wasn’t in the mood for McyD’s anyways but we didn’t want to trek to some unknown location looking for decent grub. Then I went to our little Church Bible study. Then I went home. Then on Sunday I was late for church. I mean like 20-30 minutes late and I figured since it was big church nobody would notice but as I was entering the gate from the woods to the street by the church Sergey was leaving and greeted me and told me I should sit in the balcony. A)what are the odds of being there exactly when he is. B) caught. Then later that day another guy told me he say me in church that morning too. Oh, speaking of getting caught. I am always really early or really late. For rehab and church I would say I am usually really early. On Saturday I was like 30 minutes early so I snuck in the building as usual and then was like “I don’t wanna wait in this shady stairway again” so I left the building and went for a walk jovially listening to hard rock and traversing through rickety Russian open air markets. When I returned I stood a ways off and at a candy bar, then I say the van of rehabbers pull up so I sauntered over making it to the door right when they did. On Friday Sergey told me I am like a clock, and I told him he was way wrong, but when we came up at the same time it was as if his statement had been confirmed. Ha, and when I went inside one of the mothers said “You came here a lot earlier didn’t you? I tried to run to you but you left already.” I thought it was funny.
And then on Sunday night I came early to practice the songs we were gonna sing. I let some people in (we have a weird security door) and Sergey was one of them and he was like “Deah is EVERYWHERE” which was kinda what I was thinking that day about him… al catching me being late and all.
Oh, I talked to OU and I got my loan stuff sorted out they said. They said I should get the money that has been sitting in my OU account to my bank this week. Yea Jesus!!
Today I went shopping alone with Jesus and we bought a spring coat since it has been warming up and I’ve been sweltering in my winter coats. I like it a bunch. I tested it out today because I wasn’t sure if it was too light. I think it did pretty well, but the Russian were appalled. Sergey in particular talked to me for like 7 minutes about how I should wear more layers despite my “Warm Oklahoman blood.” But the babushkas had a similar reaction. They all love me. Now when I enter a room they all greet me so warming and today as I left it was like a chorus of “Go with God” and on guy called my sestrichka which is diminutive and I like to think of it as “darling sister.” It all makes me very happy. IT saddens me to think I don’t know if anything is going on there tomorrow for me to do… grrr. I shall have to wait until Wednesday! Well. That is pretty much the show. Peace players!
Hi Sweetie it was so good to see your pictures. Ok I have a couple of questions you said you transtlated the Russia song so what would it be called in English? Next is Sergey the one that runs the Rehab center? I know you had been e-mailing someone but I couldn't remember his name. Next he plays the guitar do you ever get the chance to play bass any where? How old is he? Is it his mother or all the mothers that call you an angel. I alway think how grandma called you her Happy Face or sunshine. You have that way about you. God Bless you sweet heart!! Oh by the way evan's in chile and dad and I leave on Sat at dark 0'clock Ok I think dad said we are leaving the house at 3 AM oh the fun if it all. Hopefully I won't want to dye my hair blue before we leave!! Love ya
ReplyDeleteI'm sooooooo loving trying to figure out the Russian that you put in your posts--well, most of the time I'm 'lovin' it! :-)
ReplyDeleteI think I got two of the three words in the title of the song, "You _____ Me" (?????) So, the million dollar question is, what's the middle word?
I love the 'sestrichka'!!!! We have grown very fond of using those little expressions of affection in our family--clearly, that would make me feel 'loved' and 'at home' too!
I had to laugh about your 'spring' coat causing such concern among the locals/natives!!! As I mentioned before, our 'winter' coats were politely questioned and chuckled at cause they would have never made it through a true Russian (Siberian) winter--go thing we left before the snow came!
P.S. Deedee, I'm wondering if the 'blue hair' is a family joke since Deah mentioned it several weeks ago? :-) At any rate, you could sooooo pull that off! :-)
You wash me.(very nice Aunt Connie!) is the name of the song.
ReplyDeleteI translated it so I'll write it here. I translated for pretty more than for exactness, but you all might not find it pretty, who knows.
You wash me in a pure river.
You wash my soul in sweet water.
You wash me in a pure river.
God you have healed me.
On that day I'll be white as snow.
On that day I will see Zion
On that day I will praise you, Lord
I'll be pure and holy.
yeah. I like it. And Aunt Connie, the night before I left for Latvia (pre Russia) my mom and I tried to dye half my hair blue. I am a blonde and it came out green. And we didn't get but like an hour of sleep that night. :)
Mom, The whole rehab center is like team run. I couldn't tell you who runs it, but I can tell you it isn't Sergey although he plays a key role. Actually he has called me an angel. ALL of the moms call me wonderful things, but my mind evades me as to what they call me. I haven't been able to play bass except in the music shop because I dont have one. I want one DESPERATELY. I almost bought one but there aren't any used instrument shops. so they are all like 300 dollars! I am working on getting one somehow. I emailed Valera not Sergey. Sergey is about 30 and he is at rehab all the time. I am not sure what all his job entails but I know he does the intakes for the people who want to enter into rehab and often leads worship and bible studies. It is SO crazy that you might have been with me soon, mom. WEIRD. I'll be praying for you and dad. I LOVE YOU!
Precious sister, "Howdy" from Oklahoma! I love your red coat; you look so beautiful! I love reading about your Russian Adventures in the Faith, so keep the updates coming! You are such a blessing, and I am praying for you. One night, God specifically told me to pray for you! He loves you so much, and I am so delighted to read about your joyful interactions with the Lord. The pictures you post are wonderful; however, I must admit, they choke me up--I just miss you so much. I pray you have a joyful and blessed day, sweet Deah. I love you!
ReplyDeleteYour brother,
CHRIS CHRIS CHRIS!!! I CANNOT TELL YOU HOW ENCOURAGING YOU ARE!!! Adn thank you for the prayer!!! I can alwasy use it! I miss you brother!!! keep commenting!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE to hear what you think and are up to!!
ReplyDeleteHi Sweetie, Your mom told me about your blog. I love reading about your adventures. Our families own Missionary. You seem right at home there. I love the pictures you have such an eye for that - always have. God Bless you as your adventure continues. aunt debbie dmboc@yahoo.com (sorry I could not get the post except anonymous) :0)