I don’t even remember the last time I wrote or what I ended with…
But Thursday I had 2 classes, then we ate at chainaja lozhka. Then Tanya took us to a Russian restaurant to show us where one is as part of our “orientation.” Then at night I went to a local Academy’s open house. I am really feeling like the Lord wants me to stay here and study legit as a Russian student and get a degree here. I didn’t ask any questions at the open house because I didn’t wanna make a scene and I was nervous but when I got home I called and they told me to come in the next day. It was nice walking home alone on beautiful Nevsky Prospekt and to enjoy the celebration I decided I was going to see a movie. I occasionally very much enjoy going to movies by myself so on the way home I popped in to the closest movie theatre and checked out movie times. I came home and talked to the fam a bit. Both Tanya and Nonna told me on Thursday that they thought I would have to take the crazy hard entrance exams if I want to study at a Russian school, it is like a Russian SAT. This was disheartening but I knew and what encouraged by the fact that all things are possible with God and He has had me do what I deemed impossible before and I only want to do His will and if it is His will He’ll make it happen. How did you like that run-on sentence? Anyways, so I went and saw “International” at the theater which was fancy and all the seats were love-seats and sofas and waiters could bring you food and stuff. I bought some ice cream it was yummy. Then on the way home I stopped by the supermarket and bought some chips. Seriously, I think that I haven’t stopped eating in the last 4 days or so… Maybe my body is pissed that I am losing weight and trying to get back to equilibrium…
Friday morning I got up way early and spent time with Jesus. Then I went to the Institute in the hopes of talking to Elena about what I might need to do to go to school here. She wasn’t there and I was supposed to meet the foreigners back at Petrogradskaya so I briefly used the interwebs and beat it. On the way out I fell twice on the ice. Twice in a row. We are talking like fall get up and take 2 steps and fall again. Some older man grabbed my arm and helped me across the slickest steepest part of the road. I had headphones in so I didn’t hear a thing he was saying and I couldn’t take the headphones out because he had my arm so I smiled and nodded. Eh, I might have had to do that anyways even if I had heard him. Then I met the gang and got more food. Then we all went to the gramophone museum. Yepp. That is what I said. This excursion was planned for us (the foreigners) by the office and Tanya took us there. There were a lot of gramophones… most of them were American made. I dunno, while the subject matter wasn’t exactly my cup of tea it was a personalized tour by a very enthusiastic woman who at the end made us tea and discussed Samovars with us. Then Paige and I cut out and bought me some boots. We had tried to the day before but everything was so expensive I nixed it. Since the situation was getting dire I opted to bite the bullet and buy the cheapest non-hooker boots that were of bearable taste and functionality. Cost me like 65 bucks. But then dad ended up more that reimbursing me out of the kindness of his heart. Then Paige and I went to Nevsky prospect and wandered and went into our favorite store where she bought a Soviet cigarette case. It is delightful. In our wanderings we found a statue of Turgenev and a music store. There I played an Austic bass which made em incredibly happy and long to buy it and realize that I forgot every song I ever thought I knew…. Sad. I almost bought it on the spot but it was so expensive I couldn’t forgive myself. I asked the store clerk where I could buy a used one and he said he didn’t know. Then Paige headed home and I headed to the Academy where they basically enrolled me. They seemed like it was absolutely no big deal to attend and said I didn’t need to take the SAT I just needed to take a conversation test. They had me give them my info and basically said come back in May to take the test and fill out the visa info. IT was so awesome and so easy!! Praise Jesus! Now, I am not for sure going there, but it is a wonderful feeling to have a huge door wide open in a direction you feel called to! : ) Then I came home and told the ladies and they looked over all my papers and info and seemed to think it was all a really good deal and a good price and everything. Yea! Then I went to rehab. It was wonderful as usual! It was kinda funny though because they practically kicked me out. They were like “That’s all, Deah,” and waved authoritatively.
Then I wnet back to the apartment where I met Irina, a protestant woman who plays the bass at church and helps occasionally at her church’s rehab ministry. Haha! How awesome is that! AND we ate cheesy potatoes!! EXACTLY LIKE THE ONES I VIRTUALLY LIVED OFF OF LAST SEMESTER!!! WOO HOO!
Then I thought “Well, it it like 1:30 pm in America… there is no way that I am going to be able to get ahold of anyone but I better try because I really feel like God wants me to break the news about my probably staying here longer to them today.” I called and immediately got a hold of dad and talked to him for almost an hour then the call broke up an then he was busy so I called mom and got ahold of her too! She had left work early! : ) Then I got to talk to dad again, and then after all that with th e15 minutes left on my phone card I called Cher and got ahold of her too! If that is not a freakin’ miracle then I dunno what is! I have been trying to get ahold of these people forever and to no avail, but on this special day I got a freakin’ bingo! It is a shame I didn’t get to talk to Fergie though… FERGIE I LOVE YOU!!!
Then I went to bed. Saturday I slept in then showered and posted a bunch of flyers with Jesus. Then I prayed and figured it was time to go chill with Paige and headed over there. Everytime I called it said her line was unavailable and to try back later. So I am at the door of her apt. building and trying to remember the first security code…. I can’t but I remember that I got the same email she did that told her where she was living and how to get in. So I check my email on my phone and get in the first door and call her apt on the 2nd door phone and Tatiyana answers and lets me in. Now I am a completely uninvited and unexpected guest all because I wanted to grab some blini with Paige… yeah. But it was okay. I drank some tea there and check the interwebs and then we went to ideal’naja chawka(the Ideal cup) which is this coffee house not far from her place. There I got a sandwich a tea and a chocolate cake, all of which were delish. Then I went to the church bible study. That was swell. We read and discussed John 2. Praise God I was able to slightly contribute to the study! :) I love Jesus a bunch. Then I and 3 other ladies practiced a few songs to prepare for the worship service on Sunday. Then I went home and watched the documentaries about the rehab. :).
Sunday (today) I went to morning church at Ozerki. It is the church affiliated with the Rehab and is on the same grounds as the rehab. I like it. It is pretty freaking traditional, but apparently the morning service is for the older people. I liked it. The Choir has uniforms and they sing beautifully. To be honest I have really been hoping to be preached to at whatever morning church I go to because all of the other things I have been going to have been so interactive and that kinda puts me on edge right now. This was a nice traditional service. Maybe a little more baptisty traditional than I am used to, but I got used to Presbyterian traditional quick enough so I’m sure I’ll adjust in time. Then Paige and I met up and we ate at Pizza&Pasta.com and incase you are wondering… they don’t have a website. It is also not far from Paige’s place. THE PIZZA WAS SOOOO GOOD! We got the chicken, pesto, mushroom pizza. I think I died and went to heaven. IT was amazing. I don’t think I am expressing this clearly enough. DELISH. Then I went to church nice and early so we could practice the music. I was the first one there. I had to wait until someone left the building to get in… then I couldn’t get on the level the auto school we meet in. So I waited in the stairway for a while and texted people to look busy. Sometimes when people came by I put the phone to my ear and nodded. IT was all very stupid so I went back down stairs and called Paige while in a corner. Then I tried again later and I got in jut fine and the girls were like We just got here too!!! I didn’t have the heart to say I’d been waiting and virtually hiding for almost 20 minutes. We practiced and had the service and all was well and we had tea and socialized afterwards one newly-wed couple was just back from their honeymoon and they were all cute and glowing. At socialization time I socialized a lot more than usual. I LOVE MY CHURCH! I love those people and they love me and we all love Jesus! Hehehe.
Now I’m home. Tada!
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