Hello World!
I haven't updated this in FOREVER! I am back in Oklahoma, as I presume you all know. I am graduating this year from OU. 70 days until graduation!! :) Praise GOD! This has been a bit of a rough semester, but regardless it will be over soon and I have gotten closer to and met a lot of people here. So that is a blessing.
One thing God has really laid on my heart is this new program thingy calle Rahab Rehab. It is a local female version of the Sampson Society which was founded by Nate Larkin. I highly advise everybody to read his book. It is DEFINITLY geared towards men, but as a woman I got a good deal out of it. Sampson Society is a group of men that meet together as fellow-travelers and are open with one another to support eachother and find support in a non-BS, manly, Christian environment. The focus tends to be in dealing with sexual temptation, but seriously we talk about anything and everything. It is kind of set up like an AA meeting. It is hard to explain how freeing it is to go to one of these meetings and be open and know no one is going to give you feedback or advice or judge you. They just listen and share their life. During the sharing part of the meeting a word is hosen to be a center peice of the discussion, but you can deviate from it if soemthign in your life seems more pressing. Words might be "betrayal" or "contentment" or any number of things there is always plenty to say about any given word (in my experience). Then whoever wants to shares for a few minutes each. Then we close in prayer. There are other aspects to the meeting, but I consider this the hightlight. Anyways IF you wanna know more google Samson Society or Nate Larkin or email me. God had me write a little thing for women about Rahab Rehab that kinda mirrors Nate Larkin's book, so if you want a copy of that I can email it to you. : )
In other news I think God wants me to live in Wales next year...
Some possibilities for this would be to do a baptist gap year internship OR maybe work for First Fruits. Check it out. : )
70 days??!! We haven't finished our bucket list yet, we better shake a leg.