I Love Jesus So much! He is the most amazing all and all I could ever ask for! He supplies everything and I am continually left without wanting. I got back from the rehab office. I LOVE THAT PLACE. I want to go every day of my life. Seriously, I was the last female to leave and I only left because I didn’t know how else to help or do anything and I didn’t want to be a nuisance (plus I thought I better make my “lonely” night trek before it got too incredibly late). But seriously! I LOVE THEM! PRAISE THE LORD JESUS FOR GIVING ME A CHURCH FAMILY WHERE I AM FED AND CAN THEORITICALLY SERVE TOO! Pray that the Lord makes me a usable tool here!!!! I basically just sit and talk when spoken to… if I can manage that. Sergey told me today that I am one of them. It made me very happy! Everything about that place and those people make me happy! I am SO FILLED WITH JOY and the HOLY SPIRIT and keenly aware of it PRAISE THE LORD! Please be praying that the Lord shows me my niche of service here and helps me fill it. I feel like I am just taking even though I was sent here to serve, at least I think that is why I was sent… All I really know is that I was sent… and that HE said “Go to Russia and preach MY word.” But how can I preach if I cannot speak? What is preaching really? Oh, Jesus! I love you SOOO MUCH! I love you all very much but I am dying to go pray, so I am going to go do that! God bless you!!! BYE BYE!!!
Ok. I’m back! So yesterday we met at the institute and met Joe. He is also from the Uni and is cool. We had no clue who he was and had heard he was sick and wouldn’t be able to join us for a week. This made him very mysterious and that was added to the fact that he doesn’t have a facebook. So I was expecting some one very odd… and perhaps like a baby raptor. But he is nothing like a baby raptor. He is a real live human being.
Then Nastya and Natasha met up with us and the 5 of us went to Nevsky Prospect and the Hermitage and every place pretty. It was fun and I got to talk a lot in Russian. Poor Joe put his atm card in a machine and it said it was retained and when we asked the bank what was up they said that it was being shipped to Moscow…. WOW and his first full day here.
Then I went to Rehab and it was freaking amazing!!! It was the night the parents of the addicts meet. IT was wonderous. Ok I’m outtie.
(Pics- the most amazing picture ever: a walking picture of Paige explaining somehtign to Joe, me in the caf, Paige in the caf, me in the caf, pretty, Non-Raptor Joe, prrof of my Russian friends- Nastya and Natasha)
Like a baby raptor...
Deah, you encourage me from a far!
I understand that your initial days of getting acclimated and finding your niche may seem pointless/fruitless, but have you consider that your desire to serve and FAITHFULNESS to BE THERE is a GREAT encouragement to the people at the rehab.?!!! Keep praying, keep reading His Word, keep being available... :-) Blessings!
ReplyDelete"This made him very mysterious and that was added to the fact that he doesn’t have a facebook." <-- THAT MADE ME LAUGH SO HARD!!!! I love you!