Well, I slept in again… bad. And I missed my Russian class…. I went to bed at 11, which if you know me at all is WAY early, but all the same the only time I looked at the clock with any amount of human thought it was 9:07 and my class started at 9:00, so I went back to bed. Woke up for keeps at 10:30ish. Now I am waiting for the shower, I’m in no rush though because that was my only class and I already good and missed it. SO guess be praying that that never happens again. Last semester I had an unfortunate habit near the end of the year to sleep in uncontrollably. Oh, by the way, this morning I set 3 alarms to go off all in a 10 minute period, and then every 9 minutes after that… it seems that isn’t good enough, or I was just unusually zonked today. I’ll try to go to bed way early on Thursday, Lord willing. And then I’ll start having one day a week where I don’t need to set an alarm. That usually helps my body catch up on any lost sleep from a given week. But I am not really feeling any signs of depression, which is usually what causes me to have trends of sleeping in. Actually, starting the day before yesterday I have been craving comfort foods a lot… hmm… this all my add up to nothing, but aren’t you glad you are here to watch my slow and gradual thought process? Ah, anyways…
Yesterday after posting and having my interweb time I met up with Paige and we went to a class with Tanya. IT was some sort of an English class and the assignment was to look over some weird existential questions (i.e. if you knew there would be a nuclear war in a week what would you do?) and discuss them in class. So we were brought in to spice up the conversation. So yes. IT was fine and kinda strange in a natural sort of way to be talking in English for like an hour and 30 minutes straight with Russians… Wa? Speaking English with Russians? That seems so weird. But it was a nice vaca.
Then Tanya lent us one of her favorite movies so Paige went over to my place and we watched it. And Nonna gave us some pizza and Russiany cinnamon Rolls for our viewing pleasure. IT was a delight. I am dying to make chocolate chip cookies. But chocolate chips are not to me found in all of Russia. : ( Maybe I’ll cut up a hershey’s bar or something. So the movie was interesting, and it was pretty good. Very… European in style. Then Paige beat it, I did some Russian homework to prepare for the class I didn’t go to today. Then I ate with the fam some delicious Asian rice and we ate it with chopsticks : ) Then I did more home work, and realized I needed some God time but as soon as I started hearing His voice He told me to go to sleep, so I got in bed and prayed until I fell asleep… but apparently I abided a bit to late to make it to class…
Okay… yesterday my flash drive didn’t work on the 3 computers I tried it on and since I hadn’t really written anything interesting I thought I’d just wait for another day. Welp, after I missed class and took my time getting to the institute I saw Joe, Tanya, and Paige in the café and talked to them for a bit. Then I went up and apologized to Elena for missing class and she told me what we did and then said it wasn’t scary that I missed class and was just glad I was okay and told me that on Friday we are going to a concert or Museum or something… haha I forget, but she said she’d call. Then I went down stairs and met up with Paige and Joe again because Paige had agreed to show us where the American consulate because she passed it one day when she was clubbin’ with Irina. So we went there. At one point it was funny because I was totally following her and then I suddenly realized that she wasn’t there and that the lady infront of me also had a purple coat on but one completely different… so I asked Joe where she was and he was equally flabbergasted. We called her and she had been watching us from across the street hoping we would eventually notice her absence. Then we walked to the Consulate and passed it and kept walking for a bit just for kicks and right there was a CHINESE RESTAURANT!! : ) Wonderous! I was starved so it was so much the better. We ate there and it was a really nice restaurant and the Buisness lunch was a 4 course meal. Each course was 100 grams (yeah… they tell you stuff like that here). and you had 4 choices for each course. The courses were soup, salad, entre, and side. My soup said it was Chicken and potatoes but it definantly had an element of egg drop soup to it. Then I got the white Chinese mushroom salad, Not my favorite course but not bad. Then I got SWEET AND SOUR CHICKEN! YUMMY!!! The chicken like fell apart in your mouth… in a good way. And I got fried rice with eggs. SO YUMMY! SO FULL! It totally hit the spot. This was a legit restaurant. And it only cost like 10 bucks for all of that and a drink. Yumm. We stayed there a long time and talked and laughed. It was fun. As we walked back to the Metro station we passed a construction site and as we were passing it we were all kinda anxious and just as we passed it the workers dropped a bunch of metal rods and ladders…. It was frightening. And then I guess that upset the snow or something because the snow all fell on us. Btu it was funny. SO at the metro Paige went home and Joe and I went to the institute to use the interwebs. We stayed there until they kicked us out. I found out that the tuition at OU is about the same as at MGU, Moscow State University. There is a fun fact for you. Then he walked me to the Metro and we stood outside of it and talked a lot. I did a lot of aloud idea bouncing and he did a lot of beign a good bouncing board. Then he headed home, and I headed to Rehab. I had been 30 minutes early on Monday so a lot of Jo and I talking outside of the Metro was me trying to wait so as to be on time an dnot early. HA I was late, but only by like 20 minutes. I got there and Seryozha was busy talking to a guy and 2 girls who wanted the guy to go to rehab. As I tried to appear unobtrusive another guy came and his Mom. That was a lot of people for that little office. Shortly after the first group left Rufina came in. I guess her son left rehab shortly after he got there. Poor dear. I had her sit by me and talk to me while she waited to talk to Seryozha. Then she talked to him a long time. Then she asked if I live there. I shook my head.. I do that a lot. It is like if I open my mouth people will know I am an idiot so I try to respond without opening my mouth… but once I open my mouth a flood of nonsensical words gush out and they don’t stop for a long time… haha one time Seryozha said Once I understand you, you don’t have to keep talking. Haha. It was totally nice though, I just get redundant and silly because I feel misunderstood or I want to correct myself a thousand times or after I say it I think of a better way to say it or whatever… Anyways, after I noded and Seryozha asked me where I live (even thought he knows… it was just because she wanted to know) I must have given him a pleading look because after that he answered his own question for her and took it away from there. It was nice and not really characteristic of him because he is always the one making me talk. Then he pretended I was looking to go to rehab and we went through the first steps for it until I said I didn’t want an Anteka and didn’t wanna go anywhere. Then we just talked. We talked about the music he gave me and he said I probably was headbanging to it on my bed and I told him he was right. Every now and then he’ll ask me how to say something in English or say something he just said in Russian in English and he said pretty soon we can just walk up to eachother and greet eachother with this whole long greeting and conversation and I’ll talk completely in Russian and he’ll talk completely in English and we’ll understand eachother perfectly. We talked along time about a lot of stuff. About our drug problem in New York and how he’d love to come there and help, but that it would be hard to be a foreigner and have a different language and culture all the time. And I told him that the cool thing about being a foreigner is that like everybody in the Bible is a foreigner and that it doesn’t make it any harder to talk to God. But then we just decided that we should ship the Americans over here for rehab and I could translate the Anteka into English and all would be well. Then we talked about Russian verses english and he taught me a bunch of Russian slang, which I am pretty sure I promptly forgot. He said I’d better learn slang and not just Russian and by the time half the year is over people will think that I was an addict in Russia because I’ll know the slang so well. Haha. I wish (not that I was an addict but that I could pass for fitting in a very specific local social group especially the addict one). Then he gave me some music for my phone and had me translate the words to the American ringtones he had. I had translate “Ya’ll gonna make me loose my mind, up in here, up in here.” IT took me like 10 minutes to come up with this in Russian “Because of what you all are doing here, I will go crazy.” Yeah, you try to do better! Then he sang me a new praise song he wants to sing with the brothers. It was cool, then I left and he told me not to get lost, and then had to tell be what that meant. Then I walked/metroed home, listening to Russian Christian music. I really like some of it. I think it is important that I listen to Russian music to keep me in Russian mode. Oh man if I am talking in Russian to someone and have music in English playing in one year it is SOOO HARD. But if I am listening to Russian music it is doable. Oh, the sun was out for a long time today. : ) it was wonderful, especially because of the snow. Hopefully when I post this I can successfully send you a picture of the sunset I saw on my way to Rehab in my little forest by the lake. Delight. Then I came home and ate more rice pilaf form last night. Now I am writing this and will soon sleep. Be praying that God will focus me on Him more fully. I can feel my focus becoming distracted. I love you guys!!
SO this morning i got up on time, but I must say it was quite a battle to do so. Adn I called Cherith, the poor dear at like 12:45 am american time. she was a dear abotu it thougth and it was good to here her voice. Then I had class and paige had slept in so I was alone and the kids were all talkign to one another an dhten somebody sent me a note. It was scary but thenm I figured it out. It was a friedn of Gary who I had friended on vkontakte before I got here. IT seems her friend invited me an dPaige to go to the theatre with her. cool.